

Verband der Konferenzdolmetscher  im BDÜ e.V. (VKD), the Association of Conference Interpreters, represents the interests of more than 600 conference interpreters, all of whom work to high standards. This website is a comprehensive source of information for potential clients in search of conference interpreting services and incorporates a database of qualified member interpreters.

Press releases

Recent VKD press releases (only available in German).

VKD in the media

Media reports about VKD (only available in German).

Conference Interpreters

Find professional linguists for many languages and subject areas


Continuous professional development and entrepreneurial skills – throughout Germany

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Press contact

Laura Ehrhard
E-mail: pr(at)vkd.bdue.de

Colette Robichaud
E-mail: pr(at)vkd.bdue.de

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