
29. Juli - 02. August 2024: Co>Lab Interpreting Canada

Datum: 29.07.-02.08.2024

Ort: MCI Lab, Glendon College, Toronto

Sprachen: The course is run primarily in English, but any language combination is welcome, so long as there is at least two other participants with your language to provide feedback and act as a pivot if necessary.

Registrierung: Anmeldeformular (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfj0IS0RcaGWzNFW5t1pHB0aoXF9AMGX9jozLlazsXDkdcHTA/viewform)

Kontakt: Laura Holcomb (laura(at)lauraholcomb.com) and Lauren Michaels (interpretequebec(at)gmail.com)

Hinweis: Peer practice intensive rather than an instructional course

Preis: CAD$725 (US$540)

Weitere Informationen: https://colabinterpreting.com

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